Theses of the University of Trento

Theses of the University of Trento, where at least one of the speakers is currently working at the University (at the date of modification of the dataset). All master’s degree and five-years-degree theses stored in the archive of the University Library System are included. Bachelor’s degree theses are also included, up to 2015 (as of that year, delivering a thesis is not compulsory in undergraduate programs; even when the submission of a written paper is required, such a text is not recorded as a thesis). The dataset is updated annually. The Digital University portal ( presents this data updated every 24-48 hours.

Data e Risorse

Metadati del Dataset

Identificativo del dataset UNSTTREN:b6fa0ce8-4cd0-4c7c-875f-6b9a93a82e3c
Altro identificativo N/A
Temi del dataset Istruzione, cultura e sport
3206 istruzione
Editore del Dataset Nome: Università di Trento
Data di rilascio 20-02-2020
Data di modifica 20-02-2020
Copertura Geografica Trento
URI di GeoNames
Lingue del dataset inglese
Estensione temporale N/A
Titolare Nome: Università di Trento
Frequenza di aggiornamento annuale
Versione di N/A
Autore N/A

Descrizione Campi

("identifier" fields of the people have value only if the person still works at the University) || title: title of the thesis || student: the student who authored the thesis; the name ("givenName"), the surname ("familyName") and the identifier of the person ("identifier") are provided || degreeProgram: the degree program of the thesis (and of the student) || year: year of the defense of the thesis || supervisor: list of supervisors; the name ("givenName"), the surname ("familyName") and the identifier of the person ("identifier") are provided || coSupervisor: list of co-supervisors; the name ("givenName"), the surname ("familyName") and the identifier of the person ("identifier") are provided || examiner: list of examiners; the name ("givenName"), the surname ("familyName") and the identifier of the person ("identifier") are provided.

Informazioni supplementari

Altro Contatto Università di Trento
Sito di riferimento N/A