Organizational units of the University of Trento

Organizational units of the University of Trento (at the date of modification of the dataset) with the necessary information to reconstruct the University organization chart. The dataset is updated annually. The Digital University portal ( presents this data updated every 24 hours.

Data e Risorse

Metadati del Dataset

Identificativo del dataset UNSTTREN:b1f12d96-f35c-437a-9288-c35995922efe
Altro identificativo N/A
Temi del dataset Istruzione, cultura e sport
3211 insegnamento
Editore del Dataset Nome: Università di Trento
Data di rilascio 20-02-2020
Data di modifica 20-02-2020
Copertura Geografica Trento
URI di GeoNames
Lingue del dataset inglese
Estensione temporale N/A
Titolare Nome: Università di Trento
Frequenza di aggiornamento annuale
Versione di N/A
Autore N/A

Descrizione Campi

name: name of the unit || identifier: unique identifier of the unit in the University || unitType: type of unit (for instance INSTITUTIONAL BODY, ACADEMIC STRUCTURE, MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE) || subType: it further specifies the type of structure (for example, institutional bodies are distinguished into governing boards and supporting boards; academic structures are distinguished into departments and centers) || description: textual description of the unit || address: civic address of the unit || phone: phone number of the unit || email: email address of the unit || website: official website of the unit || unitPath: the list of identifiers of the units it depends hierarchically in the University organization chart.

Informazioni supplementari

Altro Contatto Università di Trento
Sito di riferimento N/A